Use Small Magnet Jewelry Carefully
Nowadays, there are more and more novel jewelry with strong magnetic and small volume in our market. Generally speaking, they are called buckyballs, neocubes and other cute names. These are all contain large numbers of small powerful magnets which always with less than 5 mm diameter. As wee all known, they are often regarded as ornaments to make production model and build modeling by adult people.
The expert thinks this small magnet is dangerous to children. If children swallow two or even more small magnets, it is very dangerous. Magnets will through the intestinal wall and then mutual attraction. That will cause intestinal perforation and even lead to die.
Refer to many reports, there is not only children will swallow the small magnets, but also some teenagers will swallow the small magnets into their bodies accidentally. We will suggest parents and caregivers keep magnetic toy far away from children. By the way, the small magnet with strong magnetic can not put into or near children mouth, noise or other positions. If children swallowed accidentally, parents must take them to hospital as soon as possible.

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